Monday, September 9, 2019

LOGIC Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

LOGIC Assignment - Essay Example As pointed out by King in his speech, the United States gave ample support to France when the Vietnamese led by Ho Chi Minh struggled for liberty from the French. The United States’ support suggests that the liberty of the Vietnam people was not in the interest of the United States government. Indeed, this fact was further buttressed when the United States government declined to recognize the independence of Vietnam even after the French has been defected. Given the support given by the United States government to the French and the role the former play after the defect of the later by the Ho Chi Minh led revolution, it is, indeed, hypocritical for Americans to play the role of liberator of the Vietnam people. This argument by Martin Luther King was reliable. King was, however, guilty of hasty generalization when he mentioned that those who question his opposition to war â€Å"do not know the world in which they live† (American Rhetoric: Online Speech Bank). In this fal lacious argument, King claimed that by questioning his opposition to war, these individuals were ignorant of who he, King, is and therefore they are ignorant of the world in which they live.

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