Friday, October 18, 2019

Qualitative Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Qualitative Methods - Assignment Example In this method of qualitative research, the theory developed should be flexible enough to be able to cover a broad variety of varying instances more understandable, in such a way that it makes sense of the whole picture, and not just an aspect of it (Charmaz, 2007). This specific method may have a great impact on the mini-project. One of the capacities of the grounded theory method is that it can analyze and understand current social situations, such as spirituality in nursing, and then predict the changes in the said situations (Schreiber & Stern, 2001). Indeed, the basic steps of grounded theory shaped the steps utilized in the thematic analysis of the mini-project. For example, after the interview, although the questions were not really improved or refined, the coded transcriptions were compared with the results of others, in order to allow the relevant themes to emerge. After the said themes materialized, they were again re-evaluated through their comparison to other literature. By doing so, the mini-project was able to achieve an aim of grounded theory, which involves extracting the common meanings of experiences from individuals undergoing common experiences (Jannetti, 2005). More importantly, at the end of the mini-project, it was also a ble to provide a meaningful course for action (in promoting spirituality in workplace), which is something Birks and Mills (2011) stated that is achieved by grounded theory. Jannetti, A. J. (2005, February 24). Case and Grounded Theory As Qualitative Research Methods. Retrieved from Red Orbit:

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